Frances’s Inspiration: “Minutiae” can be defined as, “The small, precise or trivial details of something”. Indeed, we so often pass by small and intricate “trivial” wonders that are right under our noses. I had no idea that there was a tiny wasp-like insect flying around when photographing the butterfly. I added it in, showing that such a tiny creature is indeed part of the minutiae of life.
Although less than A4 in size, this artwork took many hours to finish, due mainly to rendering each scale on the wings as rows of tiny painted dots. Some details are so minute that you will need a magnifying glass to see them clearly. The butterfly’s wing patterns are akin to an exotic Persian carpet with a richness of colour and beauty that left me wondering why I haven’t painted more butterflies!
One of the most common butterflies seen in Canberra, Painted Ladies are most abundant during spring. They particularly favour Yellow Button Daisies (Helichrysum and Chrysocephalum) as a food source.
Some butterflies such as this one appear to have only 4 legs. This isn’t because they have lost 2 legs. These butterflies come from the family Nymphalidae, or the brush-footed butterflies. All Nymphalidae do have 6 legs, but the first pair of legs are vestigial and are tucked against the thorax and hidden in the body fuzz”.
Original artwork by Frances McMahon.
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